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Showing posts with the label Client Machine

How to get IP address of the Client Machine, running Siebel Thin Client UI? (Doc ID 1602072.1)

APPLIES TO: Siebel CRM - Version 7.5.1 SIA [15026] and later Information in this document applies to any platform. *** Checked for currency on SEP-26-2016 *** QUESTION: ------------ How to obtain IP Address to the machine, running  the Siebel Thin Client without looking in the log files? SOLUTION ANSWER: ----------- Consider to use the "GetAllServerVariables" method of the standard Business Service "Web Engine HTTP TXN" (consider the Doc ID 476473.1 ) This method returns the "REMOTE_HOST" output argument the IP of workstation that runs Siebel Thin Client Session. Please note:  This business service does not fetch the valid IP address on the Siebel Dedicated Client, it is only applicable and should only be used/tested using Siebel Web Client. Source: > Doc ID 1602072.1

How to get IP address of the Client Machine, running Siebel Thin Client UI through Workflow? (Doc ID 1602072.1)

Please follow the below steps: Create or Edit workflow. Add Business Service step. Set Business Service Name: Web Engine HTTP TXN Set Business Service Method Name: GetAllServerVariables Go to Output Arguments of Business Service Step and set the values as below: Property Name:  IpAddr Type:  Output Argument Output Argument:  REMOTE_HOST Please note:  This business service does not fetch the valid IP address on the Siebel Dedicated Client, it is only applicable and should only be used/tested using Siebel Web Client.