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Showing posts with the label Web Tools

Siebel Webtools Application Logout if User Clicks On Close Button in Workspace (Doc ID 2341292.1)

APPLIES TO: Siebel Tools - Version 17.0 [IP2017] and later Information in this document applies to any platform. SYMPTOMS On : 17.0 [IP2017] version, Upgrade ACTUAL BEHAVIOR -------------------------- Workspace not getting closed in Siebel Web tools IP17 EXPECTED BEHAVIOR ---------------------------- Upon closing the workspace in web tools, it should show all objects locked/ editable for the user to edit STEPS ------------ The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 1. Login to Siebel Web Tools. 2. Click on workspace explorer icon. 3. Select workspace. 4. Click open and then close. 5. Developers are taken back to Login screen. SOLUTION There is no solution available at this time. The workaround of setting the context (may be just by clicking on any applet record) before clicking on workspace explorer can be used to avoid this. Source:> Doc ID 2341292.1

Work space in not opening in Siebel Web Tools

On : 19.10 version, Configuration - Dev Env ACTUAL BEHAVIOR --------------- work space explorer should be closed and Object explorer should be displayed. EXPECTED BEHAVIOR ----------------------- application hangs STEPS ----------------------- The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 1. Login to Web Tools 2. Click on Work space icon 3. Open a work space 4. click on close button. BUSINESS IMPACT ----------------------- The issue has the following business impact: Impacts dev timelines. Steps to reproduce the issue ====================== 1. Login to Web Tools 2. Click on Work space icon 3. Open a work space 4. click on close button. Application hangs. Tried executing a blank query and then followed the above steps from 2 to 4. Issue not reproduced.

How to find Siebel Login Page (Login.swt) in Siebel IP 19

Open Web Tools and click on Application, query application name (e.g. Siebel Public Sector, Siebel Financial Service) press on Tab button and go to "Login Web Page" field. Click on Web page name and it will take you to "Web Pages" and now click on "Web Template" name and it will take you the "Web Template" and now click on Name and script will open for Login.swt. In new versions of Siebel they have moved these files in DB insted of folder structure.

Closing Of Newly Created Workspace Will Not Take To Previous Screen (Doc ID 2476192.1) in Siebel

APPLIES TO: Siebel CRM - Version 17.5 [IP2017] and later Information in this document applies to any platform. SYMPTOMS On :  17.5 [IP2017] version, Configuration - General ACTUAL BEHAVIOR   --------------- Cannot open any workspace in WebTools  connect to db2 database EXPECTED BEHAVIOR ----------------------- After click the X button,   web tools should go the object  explorer view.    But it stays at workspace page. STEPS ----------------------- The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 1. Log into Siebel WebTools 2. Select the newly created workspace 3. Click the Open button 4. Click the X button 5. The busy cursor shows up and disappear, but it stays in the same worksapce page.  It should to go to the object  explorer view CAUSE This is a known product defect BUG 27550972 - CLOSING OF NEWLY CREATED WORKSPACE WILL NOT TAKE TO PREVIOUS SCREEN SOLUTION Please use the below work aroun...

Error in "Find functionality" drilldown on record doesn't work in Siebel IP19

Problem Summary: Error in "Find functionality" drilldown on record doesn't work, no details found in logs and receiving below error in Siebel Financial Services CRM: This operation is not allowed when there are no records displayed. Please execute a query that returns at least one record or add a new record.(SBL-DAT-00215) Steps: The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 1. Query for the Opportunity record in the Find object Opportunity. 2. The record is returned in the Find Results view. 3. Drilldown on the record. Getting error. Solution: 1. As per document 1990290.1 this should be removed. 2. The Find Views are defined as per document 1990290.1 3. The issue is seen only for non owned records. 4. Please remove the drill-down view (clear the 'Drilldown View' find property) and use the Find Views. Ensure you have the required view responsibilities. Please refer to the below document for more information. Actual behavio...