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Showing posts with the label VB Script

Does Siebel support VB Script

eScript: By far the most popular scripting language for Siebel CRM. Siebel eScript is an implementation of the ECMA-262 standard, which is also the base of the popular JavaScript language. Siebel eScript is supported on all operating systems on which Siebel CRM can be installed. SiebelVB: A derivative of Visual Basic is supported as a Siebel scripting language as well, albeit its importance and adoption by developers have declined over the last decade. VBScript is only supported on Microsoft Windows operating systems. Source:

How to create COM Objects in Siebel through client side VB Script

var objCon = COMCreateObject("ADODB.Connection"); objCon.Open("Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Data Source=SIEBPRDDB;User Id=siebel;Password=P@ssWod;PLSQLRSet=1"); var oadoRecordsetUA = objCon.execute("SELECT MAX(SR_NUM) from siebel.s_srv_req where ROW_ID='"+sRowId+"'"); oadoRecordsetUA.moveFirst(); oadoFieldUA = oadoRecordsetUA.Fields.Item(0); strSRNum = oadoFieldUA.Value;