Description: Configured the Pick Applet for selecting the records from Contact. But when selecting the record Siebel is returning below error: SBL-DAT-00249: An error has occurred getting the pick list business component %1 for field %2 in business component %3. SBL-DAT-00249: An error has occurred getting the pick list business component Contacts NBR for field Full Name in business component Asset Contacts. Solution: Open the Object Manager logs and search the error. From the error scroll up. In my case below is logs part. ObjMgrBusCompLog Warning 2 00000004637f1bdc:0 2022-11-24 23:27:03 (sqlbcdef.cpp (2799)) SBL-DAT-00466: Multi value link definition 'Organization' does not exist for business component definition 'Contacts NBR'. ObjMgrBusCompLog Error 1 00000004637f1bdc:0 2022-11-24 23:27:03 (buscomp.cpp (12...