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Siebel Workflow Instance Monitor not working

Issue Details: In "Active Workflow Processes" Monitoring Level of  workflow is set to "3 - Detail" but when check the "Workflow Instance Monitor" there are no "Step Instances". Step to find the root cause: Set the Workflow Monitoring Level to "3 - Detail". Increase the Application Object Manager (in this case Public Sector) logs to level 5. Re login the application and invoke the workflow.  Find the Public Sector OM logs. (Path: C:\Siebel\\ses\siebsrvr\log) Open the log file (PSCcObjMgr_enu_*.log) and search "Instantiating". When you find your Workflow step name (set in workflow) scroll down and find the place where Siebel is inserting the "Step Instance" and "Process Properties". Carefully read the end lines and you will find the issue. In my case below was the issue mentioned in logs: SQLParseAndExecute    Execute    5    000000fa635f2ee4:0    2022-10-31 21:10:15    OCIStmtExecute: DML erro...