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Showing posts with the label Attachment

Unable to Add Attachment in Siebel SBL-UIF-00229

Issue Steps (Siebel UI): Go to Contact Screen and Contact List. Drilldown Contact Name and Attachment Detail View. Click on New Button in Attachment applet, select file. Step off, or click on save button. Siebel Return an error. Error Details: [1]Error occurred while creating file in filesystem. Please contact your system administrator. (SBL-SVC-00184) [2]Error occurred while opening file 'S_CONTACT_ATT_ROWID.SAF'.(SBL-UIF-00229) Issue Steps (Siebel Workflow): Invoke workflow which is trying to add attachment using EAI Siebel Adapter. Error Details: [1]Error Invoking service 'EAI Siebel Adapter', method 'Upsert' at step 'Upsert Attachment'.(SBL-BPR-00162) [2]Method 'New Record' of business component 'Email Attachments' (integration component 'Email Attachments') for record search specification '[Parent Id] IS NULL' returned the following error: "Error occurred while opening file 'S_CONTACT_ATT_ROWID.SAF'.(SBL-...

How to send Email with attachment in Siebel Workflow

Design the workflow. Add new Business Process step on workflow canvas. Add below Business Service Name and Method. Business Service Name: Outbound Communications Manager Business Service Method: SendMessage Now go to " Multi Value Property Window " and Input Arguments and set the arguments as below. AttachFileList > Attachment File path (C:\Siebel\xx.\ses\siebsrvr\temp\S-WEB-APP_8364_9620_0_Attachment Name.pdf) CommProfile > Communication Profile Name through which Siebel will send the Email MsgBody > Email Body MsgSubject > Email Subject MsgToList > Destination Email (; Save the workflow deploy and test. If you need to add attachment from Siebel Contact, Service Request or Case attachment please check the below article: How to get Siebel attachment as file in Workflow If you don't know how to configure or find the working " CommProfile " parameter value please check the below article: Setting up Communication Profil...

How to get Siebel attachment as file in Workflow

You might need to extract a specific file from Siebel Attachments or want to attach that file in Email as attachment. To achieve that Siebel provide a vanilla business service which will get file and return its path. Prepare the workflow and drag drop the Business Service step on workflow canvas. Open properties and set the as below: Business Service Name: FINS Industry BC Facility Service Business Service Method: GetFile Now go to " Multi Value Property Window " and add the below Input Arguments : AttachmentId > Row Id of specific attachment which you want to get as file. BusObjName > Business Object name in which Attachment Business Component is present. FileBusCompName > Attachment Business Component Name. FileNameField > Attachment Name Field. If you are not sure which field is in your case, query " FILE_NAME " in Business Component Column and use that Field Name which query will return. RootBusCompName > If Attachment Business Component is...

Error while mapping file attachment: SBL-EAI-04058: Source expression generated attachment ID '...' but the corresponding attachment cannot be found. (Doc ID 972381.1)

APPLIES TO: Siebel CRM - Version 7.8.2 [19213] and later Information in this document applies to any platform. SYMPTOMS Following error will be reported by EAI Data Transformation Engine (Intgeraiton Object Declarative Data Mapper) when mapping file attachment (copying file content) from improperly configured / provided source Integration Component Field; SBL-EAI-04058: Source expression generated attachment ID '...' but the corresponding attachment cannot be found. CAUSE The field type of the source (and also traget) Integration Component that (the field) provide the file attachment content has to be "DTYPE_ATTACHMENT". The error occurs if it is set  to  "DTYPE_TEXT" (that may be default setting provided while creating  the Integration Object from XSD schema using Siebel Tools Wizard. Also there are alo following requirements for the text (VALUE) of the XML element in the input XML document where the source integration object is instantiated ...

Error while mapping file attachment: SBL-EAI-04058: Source expression generated attachment ID '...' but the corresponding attachment cannot be found. (Doc ID 972381.1)

APPLIES TO: Siebel CRM - Version 7.8.2 [19213] and later Information in this document applies to any platform. SYMPTOMS Following error will be reported by EAI Data Transformation Engine (Intgeraiton Object Declarative Data Mapper) when mapping file attachment (copying file content) from improperly configured / provided source Integration Component Field; SBL-EAI-04058: Source expression generated attachment ID '...' but the corresponding attachment cannot be found. CAUSE The field type of the source (and also traget) Integration Component that (the field) provide the file attachment content has to be "DTYPE_ATTACHMENT". The error occurs if it is set  to  "DTYPE_TEXT" (that may be default setting provided while creating  the Integration Object from XSD schema using Siebel Tools Wizard. Also there are alo following requirements for the text (VALUE) of the XML element in the input XML document where the source integration object is instantiat...