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Showing posts with the label SBL-EAI-00246

Error while importing workflow xml in Siebel Client SBL-EAI-04264

After completing the workflow you need to deploy. There are two ways either publish from tools or export workflow as xml and import from client side. My practice is to export workflow as xml and import. Errors: 1. 'EAI XML Read from File' service with method 'ReadEAIMsg' failed while processing XML from file *_temp_*.xml SBL-EAI-04264 2. The XML document cannot be converted to and XML hierarchy SBL-EAI-04110 3. XML Hierarchy Converter error - empty input message, expecting an XML document in <Value> of input arguments SBL-EAI-00246 Action: Facing above errors while importing workflow xml in Active Workflow Processes. Possible Reason & Solution: The drive on which Siebel is installed does not have free space. Try deleting log archives and dedicated logs if any. Make sure drive have empty space.