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Showing posts with the label DB

How to get Host Address and Servcie Name from Oracle database

 The IP address of the database server:  select UTL_INADDR.get_host_address from dual   Get Service Name select * from global_name;  

How to create external table in Siebel Tools through Siebel Wizard

  What is external table in Siebel: "External Table" in the Siebel is used by " External Business Component (EBC)". EBC is used to access data in a database tables that does not belong Siebel schema or a different database or same database with different tables (using joins) or manipulation data using sql functions. Create External Table: You use Siebel Tools and the External Table Schema Import Wizard to import your external table definition into the Siebel Repository. Start Siebel Tools. Select File > New Object.... In the New Object Wizards applet, on the General tab, double-click External Table Schema Import. The External Table Schema Import Wizard appears, as shown in the following figure. Provide the appropriate project which new external table will belong to then select the type of schema source to "DDL/ Analyics" and 3 characters for the table name and click Next button. Now on next window select the database where you have created your DB view...

Siebel DB Backup through SQL Query

Replace values in highlighted with lime color according to your configuration. BACKUP DATABASE [SiebelDB] TO DISK = N' E :\\ FolderName \\ MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER \\ MSSQL \\ Backup \\SiebelDB- bk-date .bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'SiebelDB-Full Database Backup- Date ', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10 GO

How to unlock Workflow in Siebel Tools from Database Table through SQL query

Background: For working on an object in Siebel tools you need to lock it and usually developer forget to unlock after working on the object. So you need to ask and wait for current lock owner to unlock. There is simple way to unlock any object in Siebel, use SQL Query. Below are the simple steps to achieve this. Process: Get Row Id of Workflow from Siebel Tools and replace below and run the query:   Open tools select the workflow and from top menu bar go to "Help" and click on "About Record"   A new window will open click on "Details>>" button. Copy the Row# and replace in where clause. UPDATE S_WFR_PROC SET OBJ_LOCKED_FLG='N' WHERE ROW_ID=' 1-OOYOU ' If you using Oracle SQL Developer make sure to commit. In tools query the workflow and lock. Now query the workflow again in Siebel Tools and lock it by right click menu.

How to get Siebel Workflow Instance Monitor values from Database through SQL query

Below is the query for getting workflow instance monitor values from table: select wfdl.NAME as 'WF Name' ,wfdl.DEPLOY_STATUS_CD as 'Status' ,wfdl.VERSION as 'WF Version' ,wfil.END_TS as 'Instance EndDate' ,wfil.STATUS_CD as 'Instance Status' ,wfsil.STEP_NAME as 'Step Name' ,wfsil.STATUS_CD as 'Step Status' ,wfsl.NAME as 'Process Name' ,wfsl.PROP_VAL as 'Process Value' from S_WFA_DEFN_LOG wfdl join S_WFA_INST_LOG wfil on wfdl.ROW_ID = wfil.DEFINITION_ID  --Process Instance join S_WFA_INSTP_LOG wfsil on wfil.ROW_ID = wfsil.INST_LOG_ID --Step Instance join S_WFA_STPRP_LOG wfsl on wfsil.ROW_ID = wfsl.STEP_LOG_ID  --Process Properties where wfdl.NAME = 'Workflow name with instance monitor level 3' --and wfil.STATUS_CD = 'COMPLETED' --and wfsil.STEP_NAME = 'step name' --and wfsl.NAME <> 'Error Message'