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Showing posts with the label Siebel Admin

How to provide access of selected Server Realated screen to a Siebel user

Requirements: Need to provide the access of "Administrator - Server Management" to a non siebel admin user. Process: Created a new responsibility named "Admin-ServerManagement" with below views and added the user. 'Server Server/Task View' or 'Server Task/Info Log View' or 'Server Server/Component/Task View' or 'Enterprise Server/Server View' or Server Task History List View or Process Failure Diagnostics or 'Server Task/Parameter View' or 'Server Task/State Value View' or 'Server Task/Statistic View' or 'Server Session/Info Log View' or 'Server Session/Parameter View' or 'Server Session/State Value View' or 'Server Session/Statistic View' or 'Server Server/Session View' or 'Server Server/Compgroup View' or 'Server Server/Info Log View' or 'Server Server/Statistic View' or 'Server Server/Task View' or Batch Job Submission View or Repeating ...

How to create SQL DB Views in MS SQL Server

This Article will cover below points: How to create DB View in Microsoft SQL Server. How to provide permissions to DB View. How to export DB View to .sql file. How to create DB View in Microsoft SQL Server: Connect MS SQL Server to Siebel DB. Expand the Siebel DB and navigate to Views Right click on Views and Select New View.. This might take few minutes on first use and it will open below new window from where you can create db view by selecting Table, Views etc. But I prefer to write query and directly use.Click on Close button. On Close you can see a new query window with three sections.  1st section will show the table/ view relational diagram. 2nd section will show the Columns and their details. 3rd window will have the SQL query. Copy and Paste the SQL query in 3rd section and click on other section, MS SQL Server will auto create the relation diagram and populate the Column details. From the top tool bar click on Save button and MS SQL Server will ask for DB View name, pr...

Multiple Positions of a single user in Siebel

What is Position in Siebel? A position represent an actual job position in your organization. It determines the records that Siebel CRM displays to each user. A position can be a formal job title, such as the actual job title that the developer uses. It can also be any descriptive text. For example, Developer 1, Developer 2, and so forth. To log in to a Siebel application, an employee must be assigned a position. When you create positions and position skills, it is recommended that you do the following: To determine reporting relationships between positions and parent positions, refer to the organization chart for your company. Because you choose parent positions as you create new positions, start at the top of the organization chart and work your way down. Note that there is typically one position that does not include a parent position. For example, the CEO position typically does not report to a higher level. Multiple positions of a single user: It is Not possible to assign multiple...

Siebel Dedicated Client Auto Start and Start-Up Options and Spool Generation

The application shortcuts run an executable program called siebel.exe, followed by various start-up options. If you want to create shortcut for Siebel Dedicated Client right click on desktop and from "New" select "Shortcut" and provide below (modify Siebel exe path and configuration file path accordingly) : D:\siebel\\Client_1\BIN\siebel.exe /c D:\Siebel\\Client_1\bin\enu\publicsector.cfg /b "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" If you want to set default user, password and data source add blow in shortcut's property Target field. When you run short cut Siebel will not ask for Credentials and Data source. /u SADMIN /p SADMIN /d ServerDataSrc Resulting string will look like below: D:\siebel\\Client_1\BIN\siebel.exe /c D:\Siebel\\Client_1\bin\enu\publicsector.cfg /b "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" /u SADMIN /p SADMIN /d ServerDataSrc For creating spool of dedicated client add bel...

Reconfiguring Siebel Server Component Parameter Definitions

Component reconfiguration is a process that allows existing component tasks to continue running until they finish, while starting new processes with reconfigured component parameter values. Each component can be reconfigured, but this task is primarily done for multithreaded components. To reconfigure Siebel Server components Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view. Select the Component Definitions view tab. In the Component Definitions list, select the component definition that you want to reconfigure. Click Menu, and then Start Reconfiguration. The Definition State field changes to Reconfiguring. In the lower Component Definitions list, change the Value field of parameters that you want to reconfigure for the component. (Search for the desired Component Parameter if not found click on Advanced button) After parameter values have been reconfigured, commit the new configuration by clicking Menu, and then Commit Reconfiguration. The new pa...

How to check Component Parameter value in Siebel

Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Servers Select the desired component (e.g. Public Sector) Go to Parameter tab (child). Select the desired parameter (e.g. Siebel File System) (if not found click on Advanced button) See Also: Reconfiguring Siebel Server Component Parameter Definitions

How to configure Siebel Dedicated Client logs

About Environment Variables for System Logging The SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS environment variable sets the event logging level, which determines the extent of information captured in the log file. More information is captured when the environment variable is set to a higher numeric value, and less information is captured when the variable is set to a lower numeric value. The numeric value is inversely proportional to the severity of the information—0 is more severe than 5 for instance. More disk space is consumed and performance is hindered when the value is set to a value of 5 than a value of 0. 0-Fatal 1-Errors 2-Warnings 3-Informational 4-Details 5-Diagnostic The SIEBEL_LOG_DIR environment variable determines the log file location. Set this variable to change the location from the default directory. Make sure this directory already exists, access permission to write a file in that location is available, and sufficient space is free to support the log file. Source: Oracle Docs Configure Sy...

How to create SQL Views in SQL Developer from UI

 About DB Views: Views are customized presentations of data in one or more tables or other views. You can think of them as stored queries. Views do not actually contain data, but instead derive their data from the tables upon which they are based. These tables are referred to as the base tables of the view. Similar to tables, views can be queried, updated, inserted into, and deleted from, with some restrictions. All operations performed on a view actually affect the base tables of the view. Views can provide an additional level of security by restricting access to a predetermined set of rows and columns of a table. They can also hide data complexity and store complex queries. Create Views: Open SQL Developer and connect the connection (DEV, UAT, Prod), Write the desired query. Now expand the db and find the Views and right click and select the "New View" A new window will appear. Paste the query your have prepared before and provide the appropriate new and click on OK button....

How to get Email profile parameters (like password) from Siebel DB using sql query

1. Open MS SQL Management Studio copy paste below query in query window. SELECT Prof.NAME AS 'Profile Name' ,ParNam.NAME AS 'Parameter Name' ,Par.VALUE AS 'Parameter Value' FROM S_CM_PROF Prof LEFT JOIN S_CM_PROF_PARM Par ON Par.CM_PROF_ID = Prof.ROW_ID LEFT JOIN S_CM_CNCTR_PARM ParNam ON ParNam.ROW_ID = Par.CM_CNCTR_PARM_ID WHERE 1=1 AND Prof.NAME = 'Email  Profile Name' 2. Go to site map in Siebel Client search for Communication Drivers and Profile, copy the name of desired Email profile and add it in above query. Run the query and you will have all parameters and their values of that profile.

Grant Permissions to users for Siebel Folders

Open Command Prompt  CMD (if necessary run as admin) and run below commands: App icacls "C:\Siebel\\ses" /grant EveryOne:F /T /C Web icacls "C:\Siebel\\eappweb" /grant EveryOne:F /T /C Gateway icacls "G:\Siebel\\ses" /grant EveryOne:F /T /C From Microsoft Docs: icacls Displays or modifies discretionary access control lists (DACLs) on specified files, and applies stored DACLs to files in specified directories. To save the DACLs for all files in the C:\Windows directory and its sub directories to the ACLFile file, type: icacls c:\windows\* /save aclfile /t To restore the DACLs for every file within ACLFile that exists in the C:\Windows directory and its subdirectories, type: icacls c:\windows\ /restore aclfile To grant the user User1 Delete and Write DAC permissions to a file named "Test1", type: icacls test1 /grant User1:(d,wdac) To grant the user defined by SID S-1-1-0 Delete and Write DA...