Issue: Below applet search spec is not working. On UI all Approved records are also showing. [Primary Owner Id] = LoginId() AND [Status] <> LookupValue("EVENT_STATUS", "Approved") Analysis: For Logs found that Siebel is not picking the correct Status column of S_EVT_ACT table. Actual column is S_EVT_ACT .EVT_STAT_CD for status field. Siebel is picking wrong column from wrong table: S_ACT_EMP .ACT_EVT_STAT_CD Query part from logs: T1.EMP_ID = :2 AND T33.ROW_ID = T1.ACTIVITY_ID AND T1.EMP_ID = T21.ROW_ID AND T33.TARGET_PER_ID = T29.ROW_ID (+) AND T33.TARGET_PER_ID = T7.PAR_ROW_ID (+) AND T33.PR_PRDINT_ID = T27.ROW_ID (+) AND T27.PRDINT_ID = T23.ROW_ID (+) AND T33.TARGET_OU_ADDR_ID = T19.ROW_ID (+) AND ( (T33.OWNER_PER_ID = :3 AND T1.ACT_EVT_STAT_CD NOT IN ( :4 ) ) AND (T33.X_ENTITY_TYPE = 'Research') AND (T33.CREATED >= TO_DATE(:6,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'))) ORDER BY T33.CREATED DESC Work around: Create a calculated field in Business Componen...