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Showing posts with the label Issue

When adding business component in Audit Trial Siebel is not showing the name

Issue Description: Configured the Audit Trail for "My Business Component"on Dev Tools and compiled the changes. From Application side map navigated to "Administration - Audit Trail". Created a new record and provided the Business Component name in "Audit Trail Buscomp" applet. Added fields in "Audit Trail Field" applet. Tested and all good. Compiled the objects on Prod srf and when adding the business component in "Audit Trail Buscomp" applet Siebel opened "Business Components" pick applet with no records. Conclusion and Solution: Get the table name from "Business Components" pick applet's BC and run a query on Prod SQL. SELECT * FROM S_BUSCOMP WHERE NAME = 'My Business Component' And there was no record. Now add "My Business Component" to sif file and import it on Production tools. Now when you run the above query it will return record and you will also be able to add record in "Audit Trai...

OK button disabled on Siebel Pick Applet - (SBL-UIF-00348)

Description: Configured a new Pick Applet and after compilation when tested, OK button was disabled. Forced the OK button to enable by using CanInvoke = TRUE. When tested Siebel returned below error: SBL-UIF-00348: Method PickRecord is not allowed here. Possible Solutions: Make sure Business Component is not read only for the selected record. Filed on which Pick Applet is configured is not read only on Business Component level. Filed on which Pick Applet is configured Immediately Post Change, Link Specification check boxes are checked.

Unable to Add Attachment in Siebel SBL-UIF-00229

Issue Steps (Siebel UI): Go to Contact Screen and Contact List. Drilldown Contact Name and Attachment Detail View. Click on New Button in Attachment applet, select file. Step off, or click on save button. Siebel Return an error. Error Details: [1]Error occurred while creating file in filesystem. Please contact your system administrator. (SBL-SVC-00184) [2]Error occurred while opening file 'S_CONTACT_ATT_ROWID.SAF'.(SBL-UIF-00229) Issue Steps (Siebel Workflow): Invoke workflow which is trying to add attachment using EAI Siebel Adapter. Error Details: [1]Error Invoking service 'EAI Siebel Adapter', method 'Upsert' at step 'Upsert Attachment'.(SBL-BPR-00162) [2]Method 'New Record' of business component 'Email Attachments' (integration component 'Email Attachments') for record search specification '[Parent Id] IS NULL' returned the following error: "Error occurred while opening file 'S_CONTACT_ATT_ROWID.SAF'.(SBL-...

Error Although All The User Key Fields Are Present In The Integration Component SBL-EAI-04397

Error: No user key can be used for Integration Component instance 'IC NAME'.(SBL-EAI-04397) Cause: In this case the behavior was encountered on Siebel CRM 8.1 release, where customer had another definition of the same IO deployed in the run time database. The IO deployed in the run time database was later amended to incorporate some changes in the user key fields. Next 'EAI Siebel Adapter' was invoked with a SiebelMessage corresponding to the amended/latest IO definition, which was compiled in the srf but not re-deployed in the runtime database. Since in version 8.1, IOs are first read from the cache and then from the SRF, this made 'EAI Siebel Adapter' to ignore the amended IO definition and throw the user key error. From experience gathered, it is seen that similar incidents can often arise when the "Deploy the Integration Object" checkbox is selected while creating an IO (using the EAI Siebel Wizard). In order to avoid such incidents due to inconsis...

Siebel Services not starting Gateway name not defined ErrCode 4597527

Issue: When starting Siebel services receiving error: Windows could not start the Siebel Server [SERVER_NAME] on Local Computer. For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code 2555922. Analysis: From Siebel Server Logs (UAT_ENT.STG-APP.log) found below error: 1. NSS - ErrCode 4597527  SysErr 0 2. SBL-SMI-00053: Internal: The Siebel Gateway name was not specified (smilobj) From Gateway Server Logs (NameSrvr.log) found below errors: DBCLog    DBCLogError    1    0000000262001088:0    2022-02-07 12:28:54    [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'SADMIN'. GenericLog    GenericError    1    0000000262001088:0    2022-02-07 12:28:54    (secmgr.cpp (2768) err=4597538 sys=127) SBL-SEC-10018: [Micro...

Error while importing workflow xml in Siebel Client SBL-EAI-04264

After completing the workflow you need to deploy. There are two ways either publish from tools or export workflow as xml and import from client side. My practice is to export workflow as xml and import. Errors: 1. 'EAI XML Read from File' service with method 'ReadEAIMsg' failed while processing XML from file *_temp_*.xml SBL-EAI-04264 2. The XML document cannot be converted to and XML hierarchy SBL-EAI-04110 3. XML Hierarchy Converter error - empty input message, expecting an XML document in <Value> of input arguments SBL-EAI-00246 Action: Facing above errors while importing workflow xml in Active Workflow Processes. Possible Reason & Solution: The drive on which Siebel is installed does not have free space. Try deleting log archives and dedicated logs if any. Make sure drive have empty space.

Applet Search Spec not working on Status field of S_EVT_ACT

Issue: Below applet search spec is not working. On UI all Approved records are also showing. [Primary Owner Id] = LoginId() AND [Status] <> LookupValue("EVENT_STATUS", "Approved")  Analysis: For Logs found that Siebel is not picking the correct Status column of S_EVT_ACT table. Actual column is S_EVT_ACT .EVT_STAT_CD for status field. Siebel is picking wrong column from wrong table: S_ACT_EMP .ACT_EVT_STAT_CD Query part from logs: T1.EMP_ID = :2 AND T33.ROW_ID = T1.ACTIVITY_ID AND T1.EMP_ID = T21.ROW_ID AND T33.TARGET_PER_ID = T29.ROW_ID (+) AND T33.TARGET_PER_ID = T7.PAR_ROW_ID (+) AND T33.PR_PRDINT_ID = T27.ROW_ID (+) AND T27.PRDINT_ID = T23.ROW_ID (+) AND T33.TARGET_OU_ADDR_ID = T19.ROW_ID (+) AND ( (T33.OWNER_PER_ID = :3 AND T1.ACT_EVT_STAT_CD NOT IN ( :4 ) ) AND (T33.X_ENTITY_TYPE = 'Research') AND (T33.CREATED >= TO_DATE(:6,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'))) ORDER BY T33.CREATED DESC Work around: Create a calculated field in Business Componen...

Required argument 'BusComp' for method 'GetBOAndBC' is missing or empty SBL-CMI-00121

Error Code: (SBL-BPR-00162)--(SBL-CMI-00121) Error Message: Error invoking service 'Inbound E-mail Database Operations', method 'UpdateRecord' at step 'Update Data'.(SBL-BPR-00162)--Required argument 'BusComp' for method 'GetBOAndBC' is missing or empty.(SBL-CMI-00121) Behavior:  Reason: Missing Business Component name in Value column of Input Arguments of business service step. Solution: Add the business component name.  

No branch conditions are satisfied at step Business Service SBL-BPR-00174

Error Code: (SBL-BPR-00174) Error Message: No branch conditions are satisfied at step 'Business Service 0'.(SBL-BPR-00174) Behavior: Step is working fine but in workflow instance monitor it is showing above error in Process Properties. Reason: Added only Error Exception connector to next step but not the normal connector. Solution: Add the normal connector as well.

Date out of range when inserting date in Siebel

Issue:  Receiving below error when trying to insert data using EAI Siebel Adapter service in workflow: Error invoking service 'EAI Siebel Adapter', method 'Upsert' at step 'upsert PP data'.(SBL-BPR-00162)--Method 'SetFieldValue' of business component 'Profile BC' (integration component 'Profile BC') for record with search specification '[Identity Number] = "1234567890"' returned the following error:"Date out of range.  Valid range is January 1, 1753 to December 31, 4712 .(SBL-DAT-00374)"(SBL-EAI-04451) (SBL-BPR-00162)--(SBL-DAT-00374) Reason: On further investigation found that  date value was 01-01-0001 in Siebel message against date field. Which Siebel was not accepting as minimum date can be added in Siebel is 01-01-1753. Solution: Corrected the date input.

Failed to load user preference file when opening Siebel Tools SBL-UIW-00138

Issue: When try to login Siebel Tools error appear as below: Failed to load user preference file 'E:\Siebel\\Tools_1\bin\SADMIN&Siebel Tools.spf'(SBL-UIW-00138)  Reason: Can be multiple reasons, most common is due to disk space full Siebel Tools not able to write data in spf file on close. Solution: Go to file path delete or rename the file and try to login again in Siebel Tools.

The ability to delete records is not available in this screen or applet SBL-DAT-00278

Error: The ability to delete records is not available in this screen or applet.(SBL-DAT-00278)    Reasons: The error is thrown in the following case: 1. The No Delete property may be set to TRUE for one of the following repository objects; business component, applet, MVL, Link. 2. The record may be set to read-only by the business component user properties. 3. For business components that have the state model activated, the No Delete parameter may be set to TRUE for the corresponding State Model under Administration - Application > State Models > States.  Source: Oracle Community

There were more rows than could be returned Siebel SBL-DAT-00500

[1]Wrong field values or value types detected in field Street. Please re-enter your field values. If you need additional assistance, please refer to the documentation.(SBL-UIF-00299) [2]An error occurred while attempting to look up the transcode for the value 'Value-10' in table 'S_LST_OF_VAL' and of type 'LOV_TYPE' with language 'ENU'.(SBL-DAT-00592) [3]There were more rows than could be returned.  Please refine your query to bring back fewer rows(SBL-DAT-00500) See Also: There were more rows than could be returned error occurs when executing LookupValue in an UI data map (Doc ID 1925807.1) Changing the cursor configuration parameter from the Application CFG file will only work for dedicated Web client. In order to set this parameter value for the Siebel Web Client (thin client) you need to set named subsystem parameter DSMaxFetchArraySize. This parameter controls the maximum number of records that can be returned by a business component in ForwardBackw...

There were more rows than could be returned error occurs when executing LookupValue in Siebel

APPLIES TO: Siebel CRM - Version [IP2013] and later Information in this document applies to any platform. *** Checked for currency JUL-22-2016 *** SYMPTOMS Environment: ------------ Siebel CRM [23030] Microsoft Windows (32-bit) 2003 Statement of Issue: ------------------- An external application sends a record to Siebel. An UI data map is used to convert the record. This includes the expression LookupValue("MSC_WARD",[MSC Ward]) to convert an incoming WARD code into the required value in Siebel. In Siebel there are 11400 List Of Value records where Type = MSC Ward, but there is only 1 record with the relevant Type and LIC combination. When the external application sends a record to Siebel, an error is occurring. Error: ------ Error invoking service 'EAI Data Transformation Engine', method 'Execute' at step 'DataMap'.(SBL-BPR-00162) -- An error occurred while attempting to look up the LOV value of '0512005' of type 'MSC_WAR...

DSMaxFetchArraySize = -1 Could Result IN High Memory Usage / Crash Of OM PIDs in Siebel

APPLIES TO: Siebel CRM - Version 7.5.3 SIA [16157] to 18.8 [Release V7 to V17] Information in this document applies to any platform. Area(s):Client Functionality, System Administration Release(s):V7 (Enterprise), V7 (MidMarket), V7 (Professional) and Later (IP2013, IP2014, IP2015, IP2016 and IP2017) Database(s):All Supported Databases App Server OS(s):All Supported Platforms Latest release tested against:V7 (Enterprise) Keywords:crash, SBL-DAT-00500, fetch, 10000, DSMaxFetchArraySize, leak, exception DESCRIPTION This Alert applies to all versions. In Siebel 7 there are two cursor modes specified with the ExecuteQuery method, ForwardOnly and ForwardBackward. ForwardOnly: Selected records can be processed only from the first record to the last record. Focus cannot return to a record. ForwardBackward: Selected records can be processed from first to last or from last to first. This is the default if no value is specified. DSMaxFetchArraySize is a named subsystem parameter that controls the...

SBL-DAT-00590 Error While Trying to Pick A Value For A Picklist Field in Siebel

Doc ID 1335003.1 APPLIES TO: Siebel Tools - Version SIA [21225] and later Information in this document applies to any platform. Checked for Relevance on 15-Mar-2013 Checked for Relevance on 03-Nov-2015 SYMPTOMS When attempting to create a new record in Campaign Applet in Asset > Campaign screen for the first time, the following error occurs. These errors will happen for the first time only per session. For second time, "new" button it's ok and no error. The problem in Campaign BC is with 'Call Status' field, which has predefault value= Expr: "LookupValue(""CAMPAIGN_STATUS_OUTCOME"",""New Added"")" ERROR ----------------------- [1] An error occurred calculating the default value for field 'Call Status' in business component 'AIS Asset Campaigns'.(SBL-DAT-00412) [2] Could not evaluate expression 'Expr: "LookupValue(""CAMPAIGN_STATUS_OUTCOME"",""New Add...

The method %1 is not supported on Business Service %2. SBL-DAT-00323

Error: The method 'My BS Method' is not supported on Business Service 'My Custom Business Service'. (SBL-DAT-00323)    Possible reason and solution: Check your method which is causing the error, at the end of method add cancel operation as return. if (MethodName == "My BS Method" ) {     //code code code     return ( CancelOperation ) }  

The workflow/task engine cannot determine a next step while executing process definition SBL-BPR-00176 Siebel

Error: The workflow/task engine cannot determine a next step while executing process definition 'Workflow Name'. The last step that it executed was 'Workflow Step Name'.(SBL-BPR-00176) Reason: This is a problem with the connectors attached to your step 'Workflow Step Name'. Solution: Delete the incoming and outgoing connectors of this step. Save the workflow. Add the connectors again.

The Siebel Server Either Busy Or Experiencing Difficulties

Issue:   When trying to access Siebel app url, server is returning below: Error: The Server You Are Trying to Access is Either Busy Or Experiencing Difficulties Possible Reasons: Check if Siebel App services are running. If services are running and you are receiving the same Go to log folder and open the latest log file " PSCcObjMr_ara_test " and go to the end. Logs: 2021 2021-03-14 16:44:00 2021-03-14 16:44:00 +0400 00000003 001 003f 0001 09 PSCcObjMr_ara_test 39845995 14192 13008 E:\Siebel\\ses\siebsrvr\log\PSCcObjMr_ara_test_0038_39845995.log [23030] ARA ObjMgrSessionLog    Error    1    00000135604d4060:0    2021-03-14 16:44:00    (model.cpp (5980)) SBL-DAT-60237: حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل ملف الدليل diccache.dat. ObjMgrCTLog    Error    1    00000135604d4060:0    2021-03-14 16:44:00    (ctxtmgr.cpp (4567)) SBL-SVC-0020...