IP17 Workflow Process Publish Errors With "Cannot activate task "WF NAME' version [4]. Make sure it has 'Completed' status. (SBL-BPR-00501)" (Doc ID 2394134.1)
APPLIES TO: Siebel Workflow - Version 17.6 [IP2017] and later Information in this document applies to any platform. SYMPTOMS PRODUCT VERSIONS: ------------------------------ SIEBEL VERSION: Siebel 17.6 [IP2017] SIEBEL APP O/S: Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit) ISSUE STATEMENT: ---------------------------- When there are multiple versions of a workflow process in IP17 Siebel Tools (3 versions in this particular issue), and modify its latest version, delivering the workflow process then generates generates and error. Furthermore, when trying to publish and activate the workflow process from Siebel Tools, it generates another error. ERROR MESSAGE: -------------------------- a. The error that occurs when trying to deliver the workflow process is the following: The deliver failed with error: The same values for '<?>' already exist. If you would like to enter a new record, please ensure that the field values are unique (SBL-DAT-00382) b. The error tha...