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Showing posts with the label Repeating Jobs

Server Jobs or Repeating Jobs - picking component parameters : The Server object was not found.(SBL-SCO-09100) (Doc ID 1944522.1)

APPLIES TO: Siebel CRM - Version [IP2013] to 17.0 [IP2017] [Release V8 to V17] Siebel eAutomotive - Version [IP2014] to [IP2014] [Release V8] Information in this document applies to any platform. DESCRIPTION In Siebel version Patch Sets ; 10, 11, 12 , , IP15, IP16, IP17: 1) In Administration - Server Management --> Jobs 2) Create a job for Generate Triggers component 3) Go to Parameter applet and select EXEC parameter The picking of the parameter can fail with the error : The Server object <?> was not found.(SBL-SCO-09100) OCCURRENCE This is happening for some job parameters, not all parameters. The behavior may not necessarily occur if you are using Siebel version Patch Set 10, 11, 12 , , IP15, IP16, IP17 : This behavior has been observed for several target components (ie. it is not restricted to Generate Triggers). SYMPTOMS  The Server object <?> was not found.(SBL-SCO-09100) ...