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Showing posts with the label Bug

Error while importing workflow xml in Siebel Client SBL-EAI-04264

After completing the workflow you need to deploy. There are two ways either publish from tools or export workflow as xml and import from client side. My practice is to export workflow as xml and import. Errors: 1. 'EAI XML Read from File' service with method 'ReadEAIMsg' failed while processing XML from file *_temp_*.xml SBL-EAI-04264 2. The XML document cannot be converted to and XML hierarchy SBL-EAI-04110 3. XML Hierarchy Converter error - empty input message, expecting an XML document in <Value> of input arguments SBL-EAI-00246 Action: Facing above errors while importing workflow xml in Active Workflow Processes. Possible Reason & Solution: The drive on which Siebel is installed does not have free space. Try deleting log archives and dedicated logs if any. Make sure drive have empty space.

Windows 10 Taskbar not working after updating to 1909

After upgrade to Windows 10 1909, taskbar isn’t working (unresponsive) or unable to open taskbar. Temporary Fix: Open Task Manager: Press keyboard shortcut Alt + Ctrl + Del and select task manager or Press Windows + R, type taskmgr.exe and OK. Under processes select Windows Explorer and click on restart button.

InvokeServiceMethod in EAI Data Mapper Returns Error " SBL-DAT-00610: Access denied to invoke business service 'Custom Service' " (Doc ID 538237.1)

APPLIES TO: Siebel System Software - Version 7.7.1 SIA [18306] and later Siebel CRM - Version 7.7.1 [18306] and later z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000 Product Release: V7 (Enterprise) Version: 7.7.1 [18306] Pub Sect Database: Oracle Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4 Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5100-03 This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1409242127. **Checked for relevance on 28-JUN-2016*** SYMPTOMS In Siebel version 7.7, a data map has been created (based on a working Siebel 7.5.3 version mapping). One of the mappings invokes a custom business service using expression InvokeServiceMethod.  The following is inclued in a Source Expression in the EAI Data Mapper :- InvokeServiceMethod("Custom Service", "GetUserAccountId", "loginName=" + [submitter], "Account Id") When the mapper service ('EAI Data Transformation Engine') is executed, the following error is r...

Error while mapping file attachment: SBL-EAI-04058: Source expression generated attachment ID '...' but the corresponding attachment cannot be found. (Doc ID 972381.1)

APPLIES TO: Siebel CRM - Version 7.8.2 [19213] and later Information in this document applies to any platform. SYMPTOMS Following error will be reported by EAI Data Transformation Engine (Intgeraiton Object Declarative Data Mapper) when mapping file attachment (copying file content) from improperly configured / provided source Integration Component Field; SBL-EAI-04058: Source expression generated attachment ID '...' but the corresponding attachment cannot be found. CAUSE The field type of the source (and also traget) Integration Component that (the field) provide the file attachment content has to be "DTYPE_ATTACHMENT". The error occurs if it is set  to  "DTYPE_TEXT" (that may be default setting provided while creating  the Integration Object from XSD schema using Siebel Tools Wizard. Also there are alo following requirements for the text (VALUE) of the XML element in the input XML document where the source integration object is instantiated ...

Open UI Hourglass Disappears After 30 Seconds During View Navigation (Doc ID 1585470.1)

APPLIES TO: Siebel Life Sciences CRM - Version [23016] and later Information in this document applies to any platform. SYMPTOMS In Open UI, when navigating to a view if the view takes longer that 30 seconds to load, the hourglass (Open UI busy cursor) disappears after 30 seconds, before the results are displayed. In High Interactivity, the display of the hourglass is synchronized with the total duration of the query. CAUSE By default, View loading are not expected to take longer than 30 seconds. This is configured in the Loadindicator.js file SOLUTION This behavior is addressed in the following versions: Siebel PS16 Siebel IP2014 PS 5 Siebel IP2015 Solution 1. Launch application. 2. Go to Application - Administration > System Preferences. 3. Add the System Preference: Busy Cursor Timeout. 4. Set System Preference Value: 600 5. Save record. 6. Restart the Siebel services. 7. Test behavior.  Increase values, as needed in 30 increments. ...

Open UI Busy Cursor changes to pointer After 30 Seconds During Long running Siebel Operation

BUSY CURSOR CHANGES TO POINTER BEFORE FUNCTION COMPLETES Issue: After user click on button (workflow will invoke) cursor should change to busy cursor (start showing hour glass or wait cursor icon) and until workflow completed Siebel should display busy cursor. Solution: The configuration of the view needs to be analyzed for response time tuning. If response times > 30 are acceptable the OOTB default can be changed as follow: You can modify the timeout value in Loadindicator.js. In Loadindicator.js, note that 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds) is hard coded: you can increase this value (e.g., 30000 -> 60000): var that = this; if( this.m_gbusy > 1 && config.timeOut ){ clearTimeout(this.timeoutid); this.timeoutid = setTimeout( function(){ that.timeout = true; that.Free(); }, 30000); return this; } Caution: Please keep in mind that if you implement this change you have to test and see if there is any impact on your environment. Changes/customization...

IP17 Workflow Process Publish Errors With "Cannot activate task "WF NAME' version [4]. Make sure it has 'Completed' status. (SBL-BPR-00501)" (Doc ID 2394134.1)

APPLIES TO: Siebel Workflow - Version 17.6 [IP2017] and later Information in this document applies to any platform. SYMPTOMS PRODUCT VERSIONS: ------------------------------ SIEBEL VERSION: Siebel 17.6 [IP2017] SIEBEL APP O/S: Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit) ISSUE STATEMENT: ---------------------------- When there are multiple versions of a workflow process in IP17 Siebel Tools (3 versions in this particular issue), and modify its latest version, delivering the workflow process then generates generates and error. Furthermore, when trying to publish and activate the workflow process from Siebel Tools, it generates another error. ERROR MESSAGE: -------------------------- a. The error that occurs when trying to deliver the workflow process is the following: The deliver failed with error: The same values for '<?>' already exist. If you would like to enter a new record, please ensure that the field values are unique (SBL-DAT-00382) b. The error tha...

How to Publish a Workflow Process From 19.3? (Doc ID 2537061.1)

APPLIES TO: Siebel CRM - Version 19.3 and later Information in this document applies to any platform. GOAL How to activate the Workflow in the client application after having it changed in Tools? SOLUTION Before 19.3 the following were the steps to publish and activate a modified Workflow (Please refer to IP17 Workflow Process Publish Errors With "Cannot activate task "WF NAME' version [4]. Make sure it has 'Completed' status. (SBL-BPR-00501)" (Doc ID 2394134.1)): Create a workflow process record in a developer workspace under the parent or integration workspace. 2. Make changes to the workflow process and when you complete making changes, click Publish. ***************** PUBLISH In DEV The status of the workflow process is set to Completed. The workflow is ready for delivery and activation. 3. Submit the workflow for delivery. The status of the workspace changes and makes it ready for delivering the changes to the parent workspace. *******...

Publish/ Activate buttons are not enabled on Siebel Tools (Doc ID 2537061.1)

WF/Task Editor Tool Bar Buttons Functionality When a workflow is managed through a workspace, the buttons on the WF/Task Editor Tool Bar function as following: Publish/Activate: Publishes and activates a workflow process in a single step. The workflows from only one workspace (MAIN by default, or any other INT WS identified in system preference) will be published/activated when they are delivered into that workspace. Add the following System Preferences in Siebel Tools and relaunch tools: System Preference Name: WS Name For WF Activation System Preference value: Name of the INT WS where WF publish/activation should be enabled. On clicking the button, a new run-time instance of the workflow gets created. The workflow process becomes available for use. Source: > Doc ID 2537061.1

Siebel Webtools Application Logout if User Clicks On Close Button in Workspace (Doc ID 2341292.1)

APPLIES TO: Siebel Tools - Version 17.0 [IP2017] and later Information in this document applies to any platform. SYMPTOMS On : 17.0 [IP2017] version, Upgrade ACTUAL BEHAVIOR -------------------------- Workspace not getting closed in Siebel Web tools IP17 EXPECTED BEHAVIOR ---------------------------- Upon closing the workspace in web tools, it should show all objects locked/ editable for the user to edit STEPS ------------ The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 1. Login to Siebel Web Tools. 2. Click on workspace explorer icon. 3. Select workspace. 4. Click open and then close. 5. Developers are taken back to Login screen. SOLUTION There is no solution available at this time. The workaround of setting the context (may be just by clicking on any applet record) before clicking on workspace explorer can be used to avoid this. Source:> Doc ID 2341292.1

Work space in not opening in Siebel Web Tools

On : 19.10 version, Configuration - Dev Env ACTUAL BEHAVIOR --------------- work space explorer should be closed and Object explorer should be displayed. EXPECTED BEHAVIOR ----------------------- application hangs STEPS ----------------------- The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 1. Login to Web Tools 2. Click on Work space icon 3. Open a work space 4. click on close button. BUSINESS IMPACT ----------------------- The issue has the following business impact: Impacts dev timelines. Steps to reproduce the issue ====================== 1. Login to Web Tools 2. Click on Work space icon 3. Open a work space 4. click on close button. Application hangs. Tried executing a blank query and then followed the above steps from 2 to 4. Issue not reproduced.

Is It Possible To Create Or Update The LOV Values Directly From Application Rather Than Webtools/Workspace? (Doc ID 2368503.1)

This was not possible in IP17 until 19.3, from 19.3 the LOVs should be editable without creating a WS. APPLIES TO: Siebel CRM - Version 17.4 [IP2017] to 19.3 [Release V17] Information in this document applies to any platform. GOAL Is it possible to create or update the LOV values directly from Application rather than webtools/workspace? SOLUTION Updating LOVs directly from the Application is not supported in IP2017. Users cannot edit LOVs from Administration - Data > List of Values, not even the SADMIN user. This has been removed from IP2017. Users can only update LOVs from webtools/workspace, starting with IP2017. The new behavior is by design for IP2017. The following Enhancement to allow editing of LOVS in Administration - Data > List of Values has been rejected by Engineering:       Enhancement Request Bug 27617505 : LOVS SHOULD BE ABLE TO MODIFY USING ADMINISTRATION - DATA LIST OF VALUES. There have been many queries if the LOVs can be upd...

Closing Of Newly Created Workspace Will Not Take To Previous Screen (Doc ID 2476192.1) in Siebel

APPLIES TO: Siebel CRM - Version 17.5 [IP2017] and later Information in this document applies to any platform. SYMPTOMS On :  17.5 [IP2017] version, Configuration - General ACTUAL BEHAVIOR   --------------- Cannot open any workspace in WebTools  connect to db2 database EXPECTED BEHAVIOR ----------------------- After click the X button,   web tools should go the object  explorer view.    But it stays at workspace page. STEPS ----------------------- The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 1. Log into Siebel WebTools 2. Select the newly created workspace 3. Click the Open button 4. Click the X button 5. The busy cursor shows up and disappear, but it stays in the same worksapce page.  It should to go to the object  explorer view CAUSE This is a known product defect BUG 27550972 - CLOSING OF NEWLY CREATED WORKSPACE WILL NOT TAKE TO PREVIOUS SCREEN SOLUTION Please use the below work aroun...

Error in "Find functionality" drilldown on record doesn't work in Siebel IP19

Problem Summary: Error in "Find functionality" drilldown on record doesn't work, no details found in logs and receiving below error in Siebel Financial Services CRM: This operation is not allowed when there are no records displayed. Please execute a query that returns at least one record or add a new record.(SBL-DAT-00215) Steps: The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 1. Query for the Opportunity record in the Find object Opportunity. 2. The record is returned in the Find Results view. 3. Drilldown on the record. Getting error. Solution: 1. As per document 1990290.1 this should be removed. 2. The Find Views are defined as per document 1990290.1 3. The issue is seen only for non owned records. 4. Please remove the drill-down view (clear the 'Drilldown View' find property) and use the Find Views. Ensure you have the required view responsibilities. Please refer to the below document for more information. Actual behavio...

Server Jobs or Repeating Jobs - picking component parameters : The Server object was not found.(SBL-SCO-09100) (Doc ID 1944522.1)

APPLIES TO: Siebel CRM - Version [IP2013] to 17.0 [IP2017] [Release V8 to V17] Siebel eAutomotive - Version [IP2014] to [IP2014] [Release V8] Information in this document applies to any platform. DESCRIPTION In Siebel version Patch Sets ; 10, 11, 12 , , IP15, IP16, IP17: 1) In Administration - Server Management --> Jobs 2) Create a job for Generate Triggers component 3) Go to Parameter applet and select EXEC parameter The picking of the parameter can fail with the error : The Server object <?> was not found.(SBL-SCO-09100) OCCURRENCE This is happening for some job parameters, not all parameters. The behavior may not necessarily occur if you are using Siebel version Patch Set 10, 11, 12 , , IP15, IP16, IP17 : This behavior has been observed for several target components (ie. it is not restricted to Generate Triggers). SYMPTOMS  The Server object <?> was not found.(SBL-SCO-09100) ...