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Showing posts with the label Logs

Enabling Siebel Dedicated Personalization Logs

Introduction: Siebel Personalization Event Triggered Logs identify all the events triggered by the Siebel or by action performed by the user. Below is the example: Personalization log created 04/04/23 12:20:30 Platform:    Dedicated Client Application: Siebel Public Sector Language:    ENU SRF:         C:\Siebel\\Client\OBJECTS\enu\siebel_sia.srf {F(Personalization)T(1680592830)M(N)A(Siebel Public Sector)L(ENU)S(C:\Siebel\\Client\OBJECTS\enu\siebel_sia.srf)E(Y)Y(Y)I(Y)U(N)} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event, at 04/04/23 12:20:30.252, sequence 1 Object type: Application Object name: Siebel Public Sector Event:       Login Sub-event:    No events registered. {S(1)T(1680592830.252)U(ATIF)K(13)Y(Event)N(Y)} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup Profile, at 04/04/2...

Siebel Workflow Instance Monitor not working

Issue Details: In "Active Workflow Processes" Monitoring Level of  workflow is set to "3 - Detail" but when check the "Workflow Instance Monitor" there are no "Step Instances". Step to find the root cause: Set the Workflow Monitoring Level to "3 - Detail". Increase the Application Object Manager (in this case Public Sector) logs to level 5. Re login the application and invoke the workflow.  Find the Public Sector OM logs. (Path: C:\Siebel\\ses\siebsrvr\log) Open the log file (PSCcObjMgr_enu_*.log) and search "Instantiating". When you find your Workflow step name (set in workflow) scroll down and find the place where Siebel is inserting the "Step Instance" and "Process Properties". Carefully read the end lines and you will find the issue. In my case below was the issue mentioned in logs: SQLParseAndExecute    Execute    5    000000fa635f2ee4:0    2022-10-31 21:10:15    OCIStmtExecute: DML erro...

How to increase Log Level of a Siebel Component

Login the application. Go to site map by click on sitemap icon or pressing Ctrl + Shift + a. Search for " Administration - Server Configuration " and go to " Servers " view. In "Siebel Servers" there might be one or more servers and you need to increase the component logs for all servers as you might be using load balancing URL and don't know when you login the application and which server you might redirected to. Now go to " Assigned Components " applet and query the specific component for which you want to increase the logs (e.g. "Communications Outbound Manager", "Public Sector Object Manager (ENU)"). Now scroll down to " Component Event Configuration " applet and select any record and press Ctrl + a for selecting all records in that applet.   From the Application Menu click on " Edit " and select " Change Records.. ". In new popup applet select " Log Level " in Field and set ...

How to configure Siebel Dedicated Client logs

About Environment Variables for System Logging The SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS environment variable sets the event logging level, which determines the extent of information captured in the log file. More information is captured when the environment variable is set to a higher numeric value, and less information is captured when the variable is set to a lower numeric value. The numeric value is inversely proportional to the severity of the information—0 is more severe than 5 for instance. More disk space is consumed and performance is hindered when the value is set to a value of 5 than a value of 0. 0-Fatal 1-Errors 2-Warnings 3-Informational 4-Details 5-Diagnostic The SIEBEL_LOG_DIR environment variable determines the log file location. Set this variable to change the location from the default directory. Make sure this directory already exists, access permission to write a file in that location is available, and sufficient space is free to support the log file. Source: Oracle Docs Configure Sy...