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How to Convert Video to Mp3 Audio using VLC

It’s simple to extract music from videos. You don’t have to download any additional software to do it if your computer already has VLC Media Player installed. The convert feature that comes with the free player allows you to remove the video part and just keep the audio or the music. That means you can remove all those moving images and just save it as an MP3 or any other audio format like WAV, FLAC or OGG. This is a great feature if you want to just keep the music from the music videos. You’d be reducing the file size drastically. Click on Media > Convert/Save [CTRL + R]. Click on Add. Browse and open your video file. Click on Convert/Save. Under Settings, in Profile choose Audio – MP3. Hit Browse and give a destination file name with the extension ending in .mp3. Click Start. Source: VLCHelp

The ability to delete records is not available in this screen or applet SBL-DAT-00278

Error: The ability to delete records is not available in this screen or applet.(SBL-DAT-00278)    Reasons: The error is thrown in the following case: 1. The No Delete property may be set to TRUE for one of the following repository objects; business component, applet, MVL, Link. 2. The record may be set to read-only by the business component user properties. 3. For business components that have the state model activated, the No Delete parameter may be set to TRUE for the corresponding State Model under Administration - Application > State Models > States.  Source: Oracle Community

There were more rows than could be returned Siebel SBL-EAI-04376

Steps: IO with two ICs as parent child,  trying to query using business service "EAI Siebel Adapter" method "Query" in child IC. Behavior: Workflow keep executing until application crashed. Reason: This usually occurs when try to query in Child IC and exclude the Parent IC in search spec. Error: Error invoking service 'EAI Siebel Adapter', method 'Query' at step 'Query IO'.(SBL-BPR-00162)--Method 'NextRecord' of business component 'Child BC' (integration component 'Child IC') returned the following error:"There were more rows than could be returned.  Please refine your query to bring back fewer rows(SBL-DAT-00500)"(SBL-EAI-04376)  Solution: Added parent IC in serarch spec as well. "[ParentIC.Case Num] = '" + [&CaseNumber] + "' AND [ChildIC.Id] = '" + [&RowNum] + "'"

There were more rows than could be returned Siebel SBL-DAT-00500

[1]Wrong field values or value types detected in field Street. Please re-enter your field values. If you need additional assistance, please refer to the documentation.(SBL-UIF-00299) [2]An error occurred while attempting to look up the transcode for the value 'Value-10' in table 'S_LST_OF_VAL' and of type 'LOV_TYPE' with language 'ENU'.(SBL-DAT-00592) [3]There were more rows than could be returned.  Please refine your query to bring back fewer rows(SBL-DAT-00500) See Also: There were more rows than could be returned error occurs when executing LookupValue in an UI data map (Doc ID 1925807.1) Changing the cursor configuration parameter from the Application CFG file will only work for dedicated Web client. In order to set this parameter value for the Siebel Web Client (thin client) you need to set named subsystem parameter DSMaxFetchArraySize. This parameter controls the maximum number of records that can be returned by a business component in ForwardBackw...

How to increse font size in Oracle SQL Developer

In Oracle SQL Developer go to Tools and select Preferences. In New window go to Code Editor and expand, select Fonts. Change the font side to desired.

Revised Trading timings of the PSX due to COVID-19 situation 2021

In line with the decision of National Command & Operation Centre (NCOC) regarding the COVID- 19 situation and subsequent reduction in banking hours by the State Bank of Pakistan notified today April 28, 2021, PSX has also revised its Market and office timings keeping in view the smooth clearing and settlement within the reduced banking hours. The revised timings, as appended, shall take effect from trading day April 29, 2021 and shall remain in force till further notice.    MARKET TIMINGS MONDAY TO THURSDAY FRIDAY Pre-Open 09:00 a.m. to 09:15 a.m. 09:00 a.m. to 09:15 a.m. Order Matching & Confirmation Period 09:15 to 09:17 a.m. 09:15 to 09:17 a.m.   Opening of Market 09:17 a.m. 09:17 a.m.   Restrictive Period 09:17 a.m. to 09:18 a.m. 09:17 a.m. to 09:18 a.m. Closing of Market 12:30 pm 11:30 am Post-Close Session 1:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. 12:00 p.m. to 12:15 p.m. Source: BMA