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Targeting Methods in UiPath RPA

What's Target? A target refers to a specific UI element that we want to interact with. It could be any component on the user interface, like a button, textbox, or dropdown list. For example, if we have a login form, the "Submit" button and the "Username" and "Password" textboxes would be considered targets. To ensure accurate identification of targets, we can use an anchor. An anchor is an additional UI element that helps in identifying the target. Anchors are particularly useful when potential conflicts are detected in the selection window. By incorporating multiple anchors, we enhance the reliability and accuracy of our automation. When working with modern UI automation activities, an anchor is automatically selected for you. However, you can also manually configure the anchor selection if needed. It's important to note that you can add up to three anchors to a single target, maximizing the reliability of your automation. Targeting methods help i...

What are the UI synchronization activities and features in Uipath Studio?

In the modern design experience, UiPath offers a range of UI synchronization activities. These activities include: Check App State Activity This activity allows you to check the state of an application, ensuring that it is in the expected state before proceeding with further actions. The Check App State activity in UiPath verifies the state of an application or web browser by monitoring the appearance or disappearance of a specific element. It allows for executing different sets of activities based on whether the element is found or not. This activity extends beyond checking a single UI element and can observe the entire application for changes. We can also use this as a condition within the Retry Scope activity, enabling retries based on the application's state. Additionally, the Check App State activity can be used independently of the Use Application/Browser activity. This provides the flexibility to monitor and control the application or web browser state throughout your ...

What is a dictionary variable in UiPath RPA?

Dictionary variables (Dictionary<TKey, TValue>) are collection type of variables of (key, value) pairs, in which the keys are unique. Think of the Address Book in your mobile phone, where each entry has corresponding data (name, phone number(s), email address, etc). The data types for both keys and values have to be chosen when the variable is declared. Data types within dictionaries can be any of the supported variables (String, Int32, etc) including Dictionary<TKey, TValue>. The operations that are most often associated with dictionaries are: Adding and deleting (key, value) pairs. Retrieving the value associated with a key. Re-assigning new values to existing keys. Methods for working with dictionary variables: Initialization As in the case of list variables, dictionary variables need to be initialized as well. For example, if we want to initialize a dictionary of String type of key and String type of value, we can add new Dictionary(Of String, String) inside the Default...

About lists and arrays in UiPath RPA

What is a 'List' variable type? The List<T>  is a data structure part of the System.Collections.Generic namespace consisting of objects of the same data type. The '<T>' represents the type of elements in the list, for example strings or integers. Each object has a fixed position in the list, and thus it can be accessed by the specific index. Additionally, it provides methods for searching, sorting, and manipulating lists. What is an 'IList' variable type? The IList is actually an Interface. In other words, it is a collection of objects that can be accessed individually by their specific indexes. As in the case of List, the '<T>' represents the type of elements in the list. The IList<T> generic interface is a descendant of the ICollection<T> generic interface and is the base interface of all generic lists. Both List and IList type of variables can be initialized with 'new list (of...)'. For example, if we have a List ...

VB.Net String Functions in UiPath RPA

String.Concat – Concatenates one or more instances of string or string representation of objects. Expression: String.Concat (VarName1, VarName2) Output datatype: String Contains – Checks whether a specified substring occurs within a string and returns either true or false. Expression: VarName.Contains (“text”) Output datatype: Boolean String.Format – Converts the value of objects to strings and inserts them into another string. Expression: String.Format(“{0} is {1}”, VarName1, VarName2) Output datatype: String IndexOf – Returns the index position of the first occurrence of a specified character or a substring. Expression: VarName1.IndexOf(“a”) Output datatype: Int32 LastIndexOf – Returns the index position of the last occurrence of a specified character or a substring. Expression: VarName1.LastIndexOf("author") Output datatype: Int32 String.Join – Concatenates the elements in a collection using the specified separator and displays them as a String. Expression: String.Join(“|”...

Python ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyttsx3'

Description: I had already installed Python 3 and after that I have installed Anaconda 3. When installing pyttsx3 using pip install pyttsx3 on CMD I got success message. But when I run IDLE (Python 3) import command it returned error (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyttsx3'). On investigating I have found out while installing Anaconda I checked 'set python default path' and when using pip on CMD It was installing module on other python instance. Solution: Open Python 3 from the start menu from the installation path (C:\Users\ UserName \AppData\Local\Programs\Python\ Python310 \python.exe). use below commands to install the module. import pip pip.main(['install', 'pyttsx3']) pip.main(['install', 'pypiwin32'])  (Most of the time you need to install pypiwin32 for avoiding the errors likes: No module named win32com.client, No module named win32, or No module named win32api)    That's It, hopefully this post helped and you got the s...

UiPath RPA Workbook Activities Short Details

Workbook activities allow you to perform actions on Excel workbooks, such as creating, opening, closing, saving, and modifying files. They automate tasks like data extraction, data entry, and formatting. Data table activities are used to work with Excel data tables, organizing and analyzing data in rows and columns. They enable operations such as reading data, writing data, filtering, sorting, and data manipulation within tables. Workbook activities include: Append Range Workbook: appends data to a specified range in an Excel workbook. Get table Range Workbook: retrieves the range of a table in an Excel workbook. Read Cell Workbook: reads the value of a specific cell in an Excel workbook. Read Cell Formula Workbook: reads the formula of a specific cell in an Excel workbook. Read Column Workbook: reads the values of an entire column in an Excel workbook. Read Range Workbook: reads the values of a specified range of cells in an Excel workbook. Read Row Workbook: reads the values ...