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Showing posts from January, 2020

Does Siebel support VB Script

eScript: By far the most popular scripting language for Siebel CRM. Siebel eScript is an implementation of the ECMA-262 standard, which is also the base of the popular JavaScript language. Siebel eScript is supported on all operating systems on which Siebel CRM can be installed. SiebelVB: A derivative of Visual Basic is supported as a Siebel scripting language as well, albeit its importance and adoption by developers have declined over the last decade. VBScript is only supported on Microsoft Windows operating systems. Source:

How to create COM Objects in Siebel through client side VB Script

var objCon = COMCreateObject("ADODB.Connection"); objCon.Open("Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Data Source=SIEBPRDDB;User Id=siebel;Password=P@ssWod;PLSQLRSet=1"); var oadoRecordsetUA = objCon.execute("SELECT MAX(SR_NUM) from siebel.s_srv_req where ROW_ID='"+sRowId+"'"); oadoRecordsetUA.moveFirst(); oadoFieldUA = oadoRecordsetUA.Fields.Item(0); strSRNum = oadoFieldUA.Value;

How to get current date in MM DD YYYY format in Siebel through eScript

function GetCurrentDateMMDDYYYY() { var dSysTime = Clib.time(); var dTime = Date.fromSystem(dSysTime); var sYYYY, sMM, sDD; sYYYY = ToString(dTime.getFullYear()); sMM = ToString(dTime.getMonth() + 1); if (sMM.length == 1) { sMM = "0" + sMM; } sDD = ToString(dTime.getDate()); if (sDD.length == 1) { sDD = "0" + sDD; } return (sMM + "/" + sDD + "/" + sYYYY); } -------------------------------------------------------- function GetCurrentDateYYMM() { var dSysTime = Clib.time(); var dTime = Date.fromSystem(dSysTime); var sYYYY, sMM, sDD, sYY; sYYYY = ToString(dTime.getFullYear()); sMM = ToString(dTime.getMonth() + 1); if (sMM.length == 1) { sMM = "0" + sMM; } sDD = ToString(dTime.getDate()); if (sDD.length == 1) { sDD = "0" + sDD; } sYY = sYYYY.substring(2,4); return (sYY + sMM); }

Siebel Webtools Application Logout if User Clicks On Close Button in Workspace (Doc ID 2341292.1)

APPLIES TO: Siebel Tools - Version 17.0 [IP2017] and later Information in this document applies to any platform. SYMPTOMS On : 17.0 [IP2017] version, Upgrade ACTUAL BEHAVIOR -------------------------- Workspace not getting closed in Siebel Web tools IP17 EXPECTED BEHAVIOR ---------------------------- Upon closing the workspace in web tools, it should show all objects locked/ editable for the user to edit STEPS ------------ The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 1. Login to Siebel Web Tools. 2. Click on workspace explorer icon. 3. Select workspace. 4. Click open and then close. 5. Developers are taken back to Login screen. SOLUTION There is no solution available at this time. The workaround of setting the context (may be just by clicking on any applet record) before clicking on workspace explorer can be used to avoid this. Source:> Doc ID 2341292.1

Work space in not opening in Siebel Web Tools

On : 19.10 version, Configuration - Dev Env ACTUAL BEHAVIOR --------------- work space explorer should be closed and Object explorer should be displayed. EXPECTED BEHAVIOR ----------------------- application hangs STEPS ----------------------- The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 1. Login to Web Tools 2. Click on Work space icon 3. Open a work space 4. click on close button. BUSINESS IMPACT ----------------------- The issue has the following business impact: Impacts dev timelines. Steps to reproduce the issue ====================== 1. Login to Web Tools 2. Click on Work space icon 3. Open a work space 4. click on close button. Application hangs. Tried executing a blank query and then followed the above steps from 2 to 4. Issue not reproduced.

Is It Possible To Create Or Update The LOV Values Directly From Application Rather Than Webtools/Workspace? (Doc ID 2368503.1)

This was not possible in IP17 until 19.3, from 19.3 the LOVs should be editable without creating a WS. APPLIES TO: Siebel CRM - Version 17.4 [IP2017] to 19.3 [Release V17] Information in this document applies to any platform. GOAL Is it possible to create or update the LOV values directly from Application rather than webtools/workspace? SOLUTION Updating LOVs directly from the Application is not supported in IP2017. Users cannot edit LOVs from Administration - Data > List of Values, not even the SADMIN user. This has been removed from IP2017. Users can only update LOVs from webtools/workspace, starting with IP2017. The new behavior is by design for IP2017. The following Enhancement to allow editing of LOVS in Administration - Data > List of Values has been rejected by Engineering:       Enhancement Request Bug 27617505 : LOVS SHOULD BE ABLE TO MODIFY USING ADMINISTRATION - DATA LIST OF VALUES. There have been many queries if the LOVs can be upd...

How to create Control Panel shortcuts in one folder on Windows

Create "New Folder" and give it a name and append ".{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}" in name and press Enter. e.g. AdminShortCuts.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

How to find Siebel Login Page (Login.swt) in Siebel IP 19

Open Web Tools and click on Application, query application name (e.g. Siebel Public Sector, Siebel Financial Service) press on Tab button and go to "Login Web Page" field. Click on Web page name and it will take you to "Web Pages" and now click on "Web Template" name and it will take you the "Web Template" and now click on Name and script will open for Login.swt. In new versions of Siebel they have moved these files in DB insted of folder structure.

Siebel eScript for sending information to http site using EAI HTTP Transport Business Service

Below is the eScript for sending information to http site. Business Service: EAI HTTP Transport Method: SendReceive eScript: var sUrl = "http URL on which you want to send/ receive information"; var sRequest =""; var oService = TheApplication().GetService("EAI HTTP Transport"); var oInputs = TheApplication().NewPropertySet(); var oOutputs = TheApplication().NewPropertySet(); oInputs.SetProperty("HTTPRequestBodyTemplate", sRequest); oInputs.SetProperty("HTTPRequestMethod", "POST"); oInputs.SetProperty("HTTPRequestURLTemplate", sUrl); oService.InvokeMethod("SendReceive", oInputs, oOutputs); var Prop1 = oOutputs.urlProp1

How to check Stats page information of Siebel Web Server

Stats page information should be captured from each web server if you are investigating a hang. By default, the stats page can be hit using the following URL: http://<webserver>/<application>/_stats.swe?verbose=high Source: Accessing the SWSE Statistics Page For IP 19 (Tested and working) https://ApplicationInterfaceHost:Port/siebel/stats

How to import .py file in REPL which is placed on different path in Python 3

Follow below steps for importing .py file in REPL (PowerShell, CMD). import sys sys.path.insert(1, 'C:/Users/Atif/PycharmProjects/Import_Txt_URL') import MODULE_NAME as alias if you create empty file with name __ init  Python will consider it as module. Its very existence tells Python to treat the directory as a package. Python checks in the directories in sequential order starting at the first directory in sys.path list, till it find the .py file it was looking for. sys.path Documentation

Operation 'Method Name' is expecting a response but no response was received.(SBL-EAI-04311) in Siebel

Siebel is returning below error, when invoking Outbound Web Service through Workflow. Error Code (SBL-BPR-00162)--IDS_EAI_WS_OD_RESPONSE_EXPECTED Error Message Error invoking service 'Business Service', method 'Method Name' at step 'Workflow Step Name'.(SBL-BPR-00162)--Operation 'Method Name' is expecting a response but no response was received.(SBL-EAI-04311) You should be getting above error while invoking Outbound Web Service through Workflow. Reason: Web Service might be unavailable at the host location. The machine on which Siebel Web Server is installed is not able to access the end point URL. Solution: Check with Vendor. Add entry of End Point URL in Windows Host file or exclude from Firewall and Antivirus.