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Publish/ Activate buttons are not enabled on Siebel Tools (Doc ID 2537061.1)

WF/Task Editor Tool Bar Buttons Functionality

When a workflow is managed through a workspace, the buttons on the WF/Task Editor Tool Bar function as following:


Publishes and activates a workflow process in a single step.

The workflows from only one workspace (MAIN by default, or any other INT WS identified in system preference) will be published/activated when they are delivered into that workspace.

Add the following System Preferences in Siebel Tools and relaunch tools:

System Preference Name: WS Name For WF Activation

System Preference value: Name of the INT WS where WF publish/activation should be enabled.

On clicking the button, a new run-time instance of the workflow gets created. The workflow process becomes available for use.

Source: > Doc ID 2537061.1
