InvokeServiceMethod in EAI Data Mapper Returns Error " SBL-DAT-00610: Access denied to invoke business service 'Custom Service' " (Doc ID 538237.1)
Siebel System Software - Version 7.7.1 SIA [18306] and later
Siebel CRM - Version 7.7.1 [18306] and later
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.7.1 [18306] Pub Sect
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4
Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5100-03
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1409242127.
**Checked for relevance on 28-JUN-2016***
In Siebel version 7.7, a data map has been created (based on a working Siebel 7.5.3 version mapping).
One of the mappings invokes a custom business service using expression InvokeServiceMethod. The following is inclued in a Source Expression in the EAI Data Mapper :-
InvokeServiceMethod("Custom Service", "GetUserAccountId", "loginName=" + [submitter], "Account Id")
When the mapper service ('EAI Data Transformation Engine') is executed, the following error is reported :-
SBL-DAT-00610: Access denied to invoke business service 'Custom Service' for search specification 'InvokeServiceMethod("Custom Service", "GetUserAccountId", "loginName=[submitter]", "Account Id")'
The same Business Service can be executed without error in the Business Service Simulator in the client.
Siebel system has made a security change from Siebel 7.5.3 to 7.7 that requires the explicit registration of the business service. In order to use the InvokeServiceMethod function in the Siebel dedicated client in version 7.7 (and above), the business service name that is called by the InvokeServiceMethod function has to be added as the "BusinessServiceQueryAccessList" parameter value under [Siebel] section in corresponding configuration file as follows:
BusinessServiceQueryAccessList = BusSvc1,BusSvc2,...
In the customer case, the business service “Custom Service" has to be added under [Siebel] section and it should look as below:
BusinessServiceQueryAccessList = Custom Service
Change Request Bug 10478921 has been logged to address this documentation enhancement request.
Alternatively, if the InvokeServiceMethod function is called from a server component, the business service name has to be specified as value for the “Business Service Query Access List” server component parameter.
For example, if the repeating component calls the Workflow Process Manager server component to execute a workflow process and the data mapping is called in the Workflow Process, the business service name has to be added as value of the “Business Service Query Access List” component parameter for the Workflow Process Manager server component. Then, the server component should be restarted to take effect after change the component parameter value.
After setting the BusinessServiceQueryAccessList parameter (in the [Siebel] section of the client cfg file, the error no longer occurred.
Oracle Support
Doc ID 538237.1
Siebel System Software - Version 7.7.1 SIA [18306] and later
Siebel CRM - Version 7.7.1 [18306] and later
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.7.1 [18306] Pub Sect
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4
Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5100-03
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1409242127.
**Checked for relevance on 28-JUN-2016***
In Siebel version 7.7, a data map has been created (based on a working Siebel 7.5.3 version mapping).
One of the mappings invokes a custom business service using expression InvokeServiceMethod. The following is inclued in a Source Expression in the EAI Data Mapper :-
InvokeServiceMethod("Custom Service", "GetUserAccountId", "loginName=" + [submitter], "Account Id")
When the mapper service ('EAI Data Transformation Engine') is executed, the following error is reported :-
SBL-DAT-00610: Access denied to invoke business service 'Custom Service' for search specification 'InvokeServiceMethod("Custom Service", "GetUserAccountId", "loginName=[submitter]", "Account Id")'
The same Business Service can be executed without error in the Business Service Simulator in the client.
Siebel system has made a security change from Siebel 7.5.3 to 7.7 that requires the explicit registration of the business service. In order to use the InvokeServiceMethod function in the Siebel dedicated client in version 7.7 (and above), the business service name that is called by the InvokeServiceMethod function has to be added as the "BusinessServiceQueryAccessList" parameter value under [Siebel] section in corresponding configuration file as follows:
BusinessServiceQueryAccessList = BusSvc1,BusSvc2,...
In the customer case, the business service “Custom Service" has to be added under [Siebel] section and it should look as below:
BusinessServiceQueryAccessList = Custom Service
Change Request Bug 10478921 has been logged to address this documentation enhancement request.
Alternatively, if the InvokeServiceMethod function is called from a server component, the business service name has to be specified as value for the “Business Service Query Access List” server component parameter.
For example, if the repeating component calls the Workflow Process Manager server component to execute a workflow process and the data mapping is called in the Workflow Process, the business service name has to be added as value of the “Business Service Query Access List” component parameter for the Workflow Process Manager server component. Then, the server component should be restarted to take effect after change the component parameter value.
After setting the BusinessServiceQueryAccessList parameter (in the [Siebel] section of the client cfg file, the error no longer occurred.
Oracle Support
Doc ID 538237.1
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