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What is the eligibility criteria for my site to qualify with Infolinks?

Infolinks takes pride in the effortless integration process and the high revenue stream that the Infolinks ads generate for online publishers. As such, the Infolinks platform is open to any online publisher, big or small, with no setup fees, no minimum requirements for page views or visitors and no hidden commitments. We do have certain policies in place that we believe will help ensure the effectiveness of ads for our publishers as well as for our advertisers. We review all websites, and we reserve the right to decline any application.

As part of Infolinks social responsibility, Infolinks do not allow content that in their opinion can be deemed as negative in nature, illegal or offensive in any way as the following:

(1) Violent images or messages that promote violence;

(2) Promotion of discrimination based on race, sex, religion, national origin, physical disability, sexual orientation or age;

(3) Promotion of illegal activities;

(4) Promotion or display of defamatory, libelous or harmful material or material that otherwise infringes upon the rights of Infolinks or any third parties, including intellectual property rights and rights of personality;

(5) Content that is inconsistent with Infolinks’ policies and/or practices;

(6) Spamming of a participant’s users who have registered for the Infolinks services;

(7) No Adult, obscene, pornographic, defamatory, libelous, infringing, abusive, or includes illegal content, does not promote hate or discrimination, facilitates the sale of firearms or illegal drugs, or participates or encourages participation in illegal activities;

(8) Online Gambling. Infolinks restricts the promotion of the following gambling-related content:Offline and online gambling, gambling-related information, games played for money or prizes,casino-based games, regardless of whether money is exchanged;

(9) Any other content or activity that we find objectionable in our sole discretion.

For any assistance, please reach out to:

Source: Infolinks

See also:


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