When selecting record from Pick Applet Siebel is returing error SBL-DAT-00249

Configured the Pick Applet for selecting the records from Contact. But when selecting the record Siebel is returning below error:

SBL-DAT-00249: An error has occurred getting the pick list business component %1 for field %2 in business component %3.

SBL-DAT-00249: An error has occurred getting the pick list business component Contacts NBR for field Full Name in business component Asset Contacts.

Open the Object Manager logs and search the error. From the error scroll up. In my case below is logs part.

ObjMgrBusCompLog    Warning    2    00000004637f1bdc:0    2022-11-24 23:27:03    (sqlbcdef.cpp (2799)) SBL-DAT-00466: Multi value link definition 'Organization' does not exist for business component definition 'Contacts NBR'.

ObjMgrBusCompLog    Error    1    00000004637f1bdc:0    2022-11-24 23:27:03    (buscomp.cpp (12186)) SBL-DAT-00249: An error has occurred getting the pick list business component Contacts NBR for field Full Name in business component Asset Contacts.

Please have your systems administrator check your application configuration.
BC popup visibility type was set to organization and fields required was inactive.
See Also:

OK button disabled on Siebel Pick Applet - (SBL-UIF-00348)

When adding business component in Audit Trial Siebel is not showing the name