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OK button disabled on Siebel Pick Applet - (SBL-UIF-00348)

Description: Configured a new Pick Applet and after compilation when tested, OK button was disabled. Forced the OK button to enable by using CanInvoke = TRUE. When tested Siebel returned below error: SBL-UIF-00348: Method PickRecord is not allowed here. Possible Solutions: Make sure Business Component is not read only for the selected record. Filed on which Pick Applet is configured is not read only on Business Component level. Filed on which Pick Applet is configured Immediately Post Change, Link Specification check boxes are checked.

Join in business component definition %1 has source fields that come from tables %2 and %3 SBL-DAT-00452

1: Error Join in business component definition '%1' has source fields that come from tables '%2' and '%3' (SBL-DAT-00452). 2: Steps on which error occurred 2.1. In Business Component created new Join by providing table, alias and outer join flag checked. 2.2. In Join Specification created new record provided the destination column and source field (field is based on base table of the business component). 2.3. In Join Specification created new record provided the destination column and source field (field is based on other table, added using join). 2.4. Created new field based on the new join and exposed in applet. 2.5. Compiled the objects and open Siebel application. 2.6. When navigate to view Siebel returned the above error. 3: Findings and Conclusion: When inspecting the Object Manager (Public Sector) logs could not able to find the exact reason but just the above error. When checked on Oracle Docs found out that documentation is saying that in Join Specific...

How to open BIP report inside Siebel Applet

0: Overview Sometime as per the requirements you need to display 3rd party web page inside Siebel to achieve that there are two simple steps which are described here in details. 1: Prepare BIP Report URL In this post requirement is to show Oracle BI Publisher report inside Siebel Applet with report filters. 1.1. First Oracle BIP Developer will create report and share report link and important thing here is to ask BIP Developer to share the link without BIP Header page shown in below image. And link will look like this (Removed default filter details as they will auto set when report will open) : http://BIPServer:PORT/xmlpserver/FOLDER/REPORT_NAME.xdo?_xpf=&_xpt=0&_xdo=%FOLDER_PATH%2FREPORT_NAME.xdo&_xmode=2&_xt=REPORT_TITLE&_xf=pdf&_xana=view&_xautorun=false 1.2. Now simply divide this URL into input parameters so that we can configure this URL into Siebel Application. "&" is the key from where you can determine the parameter name and their val...

How to remove Microsoft account linked with Windows

When adding Microsoft Email account in Windows Mail application or setting the Microsoft Teams, Windows forcefully associate that account with Windows Account. Unfortunately if you remove the account that email will also disassociate from Mail and Teams application. Below are the steps to remove the email from Windows Account : 1. Open Setting by pressing Windows + i buttons or from the gear icon in Windows menu. 2. Now in new window find and click on Accounts. 3. In new window click on Email & accounts. 4. Under Accounts used by other apps, click on your email and Remove button will appear. 5. Click on Remove. 6. Now click on Your Infor and under profile picture it should be Local Account. All done. Hope this helps.

Siebel Workflow Instance Monitor not working

Issue Details: In "Active Workflow Processes" Monitoring Level of  workflow is set to "3 - Detail" but when check the "Workflow Instance Monitor" there are no "Step Instances". Step to find the root cause: Set the Workflow Monitoring Level to "3 - Detail". Increase the Application Object Manager (in this case Public Sector) logs to level 5. Re login the application and invoke the workflow.  Find the Public Sector OM logs. (Path: C:\Siebel\\ses\siebsrvr\log) Open the log file (PSCcObjMgr_enu_*.log) and search "Instantiating". When you find your Workflow step name (set in workflow) scroll down and find the place where Siebel is inserting the "Step Instance" and "Process Properties". Carefully read the end lines and you will find the issue. In my case below was the issue mentioned in logs: SQLParseAndExecute    Execute    5    000000fa635f2ee4:0    2022-10-31 21:10:15    OCIStmtExecute: DML erro...

Find slow running queries on MS SQL Server

Source Below query will helps you find the queries which have taken a lot of time in milliseconds. To confirm that you have query performance issues on your SQL Server instance start by examining queries by their execution time. SELECT     req.session_id     , req.total_elapsed_time AS duration_ms     , req.cpu_time AS cpu_time_ms     , req.total_elapsed_time - req.cpu_time AS wait_time     , req.logical_reads     , SUBSTRING (REPLACE (REPLACE (SUBSTRING (ST.text, (req.statement_start_offset/2) + 1,        ((CASE statement_end_offset            WHEN -1            THEN DATALENGTH(ST.text)              ELSE req.statement_end_offset          END - req.statement_start_offset)/2) + ...

How show date in Day-Month-Year in Siebel

  There are two ways one is that you change the date format on server level but this will cause issue like if you are getting date in business component and parsing it with some business rule and when you change the date format you need to modify operation everywhere. Below solution is simple and easy to execute. Follow below simple steps to achieve your desired date format. Open Siebel Tools. In Tool go to Applet and query the applet where you want to change the date display format. Now from list or control query the desired date field. Scroll right or use tab to find the "Display Format". Now from below you can make your own date format. For example as per my requirements I am using "DD-MMM-YYYY" after compiling the applet on UI date will display "21-Sep-2022". Format mask Description: YYYY or yyyy four digit year such as 2017 YY or yy last two digits of year such as 17 M month with no leading zero 1-12 MM Two digit month 01-12 MMM Three letter month suc...