First you need Python Project Virtual Environment Path: Open Command Prompt and navigate to Python Project folder by using below cd C:\Users\Atif\Django\ProjectFolder Now type " pipenv --venv " and press Enter. CMD will return it's Virtual Environment Path (like: C:\Users\Atif\.virtualenvs\ProjectFolder-TwJ6wRTs), select and copy you will need this in next section. Add \Scripts\python.exe at the last of the above Path which should be look like below now: C:\Users\Atif\.virtualenvs\ProjectFolder-TwJ6wRTs\Scripts\python.exe Now to main part of this article. Start the " Visual Studio Code " application. Open the Python project. Now from the Menu of "Visual Studio Code" click on " View " and from Sub Menu select " Command Palette.. Ctrl+Shift+P ". A new search bar will be available, type " Python Interpreter " and from below drop down select. A new pick folder path bar will be available here you need to paste the python vir...